

Local Mental Health Advisory Councils (LACs) offer individuals, parents and mental health service providers the opportunity to make a real difference in how mental health care is provided in their community, and it offers counties and state policy makers the wisdom of those who experience mental health concerns first-hand.



The membership of the Wilkin County Mental Health Advisory Council, (thereafter the Council), shall consist of up to 10 voting members including:

AMH consumer

Family member

MH Professional

Community Support Services worker

Person who received MH services as a child

Parent of SED child

Family Community Support Worker


Continuous recruitment will be done if the Council does not consist of the above required members.

Stipends in the amount of $75 will be given to voting members upon request. Members may decline stipends.


Terms of Appointment Council Members

Members are appointed to serve an open ended term. Council membership will be reviewed yearly for potential new members. Expectations of council members is to attend meetings and participate.


Quorum and Voting

The Council includes up to 11 voting members. Non-members and guests may participate in discussion during the open meeting, but only members appointed by vote of the Council may cast a vote on Council actions. Forty (40) percent of the voting members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority of those voting is required to pass a motion. Members are expected to recuse themselves from Council deliberations in situations where a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest may exist.



The Council conducts its business during open meetings in accordance with standards that guide committees that give advice and make recommendations to the county board. Accordingly, Council meetings are held quarterly in a public location and the public is welcome to attend. Meeting agendas and records are sent with the general announcement approximately one week before the scheduled meeting. Agenda items may be submitted to the Chair or the Health & Human Services Director by any interested party.


Meeting Practices

Roberts Rules of Order will be used for items requiring Council action. The rest of the meeting will be conducted informally following the agenda. All resolutions are brought before members at the Council meeting for a full and complete discussion and vote.


Council Communication

Council business occurs primarily at meetings; however, communications such as meeting announcements, meeting minutes and other items may be disseminated to council members via email. As such, communication to the full Council will be coordinated and conducted through a Wilkin County employee. LAC members are required to provide an e-mail address, phone number and mailing address. In the event circumstances necessitate it, meetings maybe be held virtually, the meeting link will be posted for the public on the county website.


Standards of Conduct

Members are expected to participate in a manner that creates a respectful environment for everyone; this includes both verbal and written communications. In addition, members are expected to conduct council business in a manner that allows for positive interactions that are results oriented. While respectful disagreement of points may occur, all members are protected from harassment and bullying. Concerns about Council business or another member’s actions may be directed to the Chair in writing for resolution. If a Council member believes the concern has not been resolved to their satisfaction, the Health & Human Services Director will review the complaint and assist in its resolution. The Health & Human Services Director is required to investigate any report of discrimination, including harassment and bullying, and to take prompt and appropriate corrective action in accord with the Wilkin County Non-Discrimination and Respectful Workplace Policy. The Health & Human Services Director may work with County Human Resources and/or County Board representatives regarding the investigation process, creating interview questions, and appropriate level of action based on the investigation results.


Resignation or Removal of Members

A member may resign from the Council by notifying the Chair in writing of their intention. The Chair will notify the Health & Human Services Director. The Council Chair may recommend that a member be removed from the LAC for reasons including but not limited to: Non-attendance at Council meetings; Engaging in personal or professional activities that represent a conflict of interest, or negatively affects the operation of the Council, or its members; other reason deems significant. The Council may, after efforts at informal resolution, take action to remove the member, if concerns persist. The Chair’s written request must document the nature of the concern and steps taken to resolve the issue.


Nomination and Election of Officers

Council elections are scheduled each year. An election can occur at any time of the year to accommodate the needs of the Council. Nominees for the office cannot be a Wilkin County employee. Whenever possible, the Chair or one of the co-chairs should be a Consumer or Family Member.


Duties of the Chair

Council Chair will conduct quarterly meetings of the Council. The duties of the Chair(s) include: Setting the agenda of each meeting, providing leadership in work plan development, running meetings, ensuring minutes are taken, requesting relevant information/data from county staff to assess and develop mental health plan for their county and providing recommendations of the LAC to the county board on behalf of the LAC.

A Wilkin County employee will assist the Chair in carrying out these duties.



The Board will determine what committees are formed and what the committees will be tasked with.  Stipends for Committee activities will be limited and specified at conception. The general activities for committees include: 1. Research issues and recommend actions needed for deliberation by the full Council. 2. Monitor activities in the community related to the charge of the committee. 3. Report to the Council on the activities and progress of the committee.


Amendments to the Bylaws

The Wilkin County Mental Health Advisory Council bylaws may be amended as deemed necessary by vote of the Council.