Our Mission
To provide local leadership in the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources through programs and partnerships with individuals, businesses, organizations, and government.
Who We Are
The Wilkin Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) was established in 1944. Conservation Districts are local subdivisions established under state law to carry out a program for the conservation, use and development of soil, water, and related resources. The district's function is to assist land occupiers in both rural and urban settings. The Wilkin SWCD is administered by a five-member, elected Board of Supervisors. The districts receive their authority from Chapter 103C of Minnesota Statutes.
The District works cooperatively with other county agencies, local officials, and conservation groups. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service works with the District by offering assistance to agricultural producers within the county. The Wilkin SWCD receives funding from the State of Minnesota, Wilkin County, through the acquisition of grants, and through self-generated revenues. To take a look at additional services and programs within the Soil and Water Conservation District, please review the options to the left.
Clean Water, Land and Legacy
On November 4, 2008, Minnesota voters approved the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to the state constitution.
The Amendment increases the sales and use tax rate by three-eighths of one percent, starting July 1, 2009 and continuing through 2034.
Amendment dollars are dedicated to four funds:
- Outdoor Heritage Fund
- Parks and Trails Fund
- Cultural Heritage Fund
- Clean Water Fund
Local Soil and Water Conservation District offices may apply for money from the Clean Water Fund to fund local projects.
The Clean Water Fund was created to:
- Protect, Enhance, and Restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater
- Protect drinking water sources
The Clean Water Funds are distributed through the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). BWSR grants provide the funding to local units of government to deliver soil and water conservation services to their communities. Grant funds support and increase local capacity to implement programs and, provide cost-share with landowners who install conservation practices on their land to benefit state water and soil resources.
The Legislative Coordinating Commission (LCC) maintains the website Minnesota's Legacy, Watch the Progress, to help Minnesotans monitor how Amendment dollars are spent.
Legislative Coordination Commission (LCC) Home page: http://www.lcc.leg.mn/
Additional Info