There are many ways in which Wilkin County works to serve its residents.
Agricultural Inspector: Weed and grasshopper control, seed and fertilizer samples
Assessor: Appraise and classify all real estate and appropriate personal property within Wilkin County for property tax purposes
Attorney: Legal advisor for the Wilkin County Board of Commissioners, county departments and agencies
Auditor: Elections, Budgets/Levies, delinquent taxes and forfeited lands
Cares Act Business Relief Grant
County Administration: Serves as the chief administration officer of the county and is responsible for the overall operation of county government providing leadership, direction, and support to all county departments.
Court Administrator: Wilkin County District Court
Emergency Management: Provides guidance for emergency operations in Wilkin County
Environmental Office/Zoning: Building permits, septic/sewer inspection, water well inspection, solid waste and recycling
Family Services: Child support, child protection, public assistance, social services, foster care, child care, emergency assistance
Highway Engineer: Construction and maintenance of county highways and bridges, inspection and maintenance of county ditch system
Public Health: Home care, family and environmental health, emergency services, disease control
Recorder: Process and preserve recorded documents, provides abstracting services
Sheriff: Law enforcement, emergency services, jail
Treasurer: County financials, tax collection, birth/death records, marriage and drivers license
University of MN Extension: 4-H, Agriculture, Home Economics, Natural Resources
Veterans Service Officer: Veterans services and transportation
Wilkin County Economic Development Authority:
Wilkin County Soil & Water Conservation District: To provide local leadership in the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources through programs and partnerships with individuals, businesses, organizations, and government.