Diversionary Work Program (DWP)

The Diversionary Work Program (DWP) is a four-month program that helps Minnesota parents find jobs. The goal is to help parents quickly find work so that they do not need to go on the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). When families first apply for cash assistance, most will be enrolled in this program.

This program is for families with children or pregnant women. Most people are on this program for four months. To qualify, you must meet the income asset limit of $10,000. Ask a county worker for more details about income and asset limits.

All parents, including both parents in a two-parent family, must develop and sign an employment plan before your family is approved for the program. Your employment plan will consider the type of work you can do and what best meets your family situation. You must cooperate with your employment plan and the child support office to stay on the program.