General Assistance (GA)

Provides assistance for people without children who are certified by a physician to be physically or mentally incapacitated and unable to perform employment. He/she may also be an SSI applicant or appellant, or meet non-citizen criteria.

Applicants are required to apply for other maintenance benefits such as Veterans, Worker's Compensations, Social Security, Unemployment Compensation, etc. to qualify for GA, you must meet income and asset limits listed below.

Also, you must be unable to work enough to support yourself because you:

  • Are ill or have a disability (permanent or temporary)
  • Are taking care of someone with a disability or illness
  • Are in a mental, physical, or drug rehabilitation facility
  • Are determined unemployable by a vocational specialist and the county
  • Are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or waiting on an SSDI or SSI appeal Are over 55 and can’t get a job because of your age
  • Have a learning disability; Have a drug or alcohol dependency
  • Are in a domestic violence shelter for women
  • Are a displaced homemaker who is a full-time student
  • Are doing court-ordered services that prevent you from working at least four hours a day
  • Are over age 18, attending high school, and English isn’t your first language
  • Are under age 18 and not living with your family.

The monthly income limits, after subtracting allowed expenses, are: $203 for one person; $250 for a child under 18 not living with your family; $260 for a couple. The asset limit is $1,000 per person.

If you qualify, you also must apply for other benefits that you may be able to get, such as: Worker's Compensation Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) SSI.