What is the Homemaker Program?
Homemakers perform general homemaking duties which helps individuals remain in their own homes. These duties may include light housekeeping such as:
- Cleaning:
- Bathrooms
- Floors
- Oven
- Refrigerator
- Vacuuming
- Linen change
- Laundry
- Grocery shopping
- Meal planning
The Homemakers are assigned and supervised by a nurse. They provide service on a scheduled basis.
This service does not provide transportation, moving heavy furniture, outside work, or washing windows.
Who is eligible?
In order to be eligible for the program the individual must have health problems or disabilities that interfere with their ability to perform their own homemaking duties independently. A home visit is made by a nurse to assess the need for homemaker services.
What is the cost?
The cost of the service is determined by a sliding fee schedule based on income and family size. There are some special funding sources that pay for this service to eligible individuals all or in part.
This project is made possible in part, under the Federal Older American’s Act through a grant with the NWRDC under an Area Plan approved by the Minnesota Board on Aging.