
One Watershed One Plan (1W1P)

One Watershed One Plan Program Update

In 2015, the Minnesota Legislature enacted a requirement that, by 2025 Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Watershed Districts, and counties organize and develop focused implementation plans based on watershed boundaries. This coordinated effort is referred to as One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P).

The Wilkin SWCD is currently working with partners to develop two 1W1Plans. These plans cover the Buffalo Red River and Bois de Sioux/Mustinka watersheds. Both plans are scheduled to be complete by the end of 2020.

Participation in the 1W1P Program will benefit the LGUs by combining our planning efforts and reducing redundancy in time and dollars used for plan writing and meetings.  

The 1W1P will establish clear implementation timelines, milestones and cost estimates for restoration and protection activities. Combining multiple water planning efforts into one effort will create a more efficient and cooperative plan for water management. Plans will include goals and implementation actions that are prioritized and targeted on a watershed basis with measurable results, instead of the present individual plans that are restricted to political boundaries.

The program will also bring in new funding to support land and water related management priorities.