Wetland Conservation Act
Wetlands are transitional areas between terrestrial (upland) and aquatic areas where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. Wetlands are typically saturated for part or all of the growing season, and support primarily vegetation that is adapted to saturated soil conditions.
Wetland Legislation
In 1991 the Minnesota Legislature approved the Wetland Conservation Act. The purpose of this legislation is to maintain and protect Minnesota’s wetlands and the benefits they provide, and to reach the legislature’s goal of no-net-loss of wetlands. This act is administered statewide by the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), enforced by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and administered locally by the Wilkin Soil and Water Conservation District.
Citizen Requirements
Persons interested in filling, draining, excavating, disturbing, or who are otherwise unsure of wetland boundaries, should contact the Wilkin Soil and Water Conservation District to discuss their project and permitting requirements prior to beginning construction.