Students from Rothsay High School along with twenty teams from west-central Minnesota competed in the Area I Envirothon, held May 1st at the Detroit Mountain Recreation Area in Detroit Lakes.
The Envirothon is a hands-on, outdoor competition that challenges high school students’ environmental knowledge and problem-solving skills. This competitive event consists of five, 30-minute, learning stations, each based on a different environment topic. As each team made their way from station to station, they took an exam related to the environmental subject. After group of teams complete their exam, area resource professionals review the exams with the students. The five environmental topics were Forestry, Wildlife, Aquatics, Soils and a current issue which was, “Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future in Minnesota”. In addition to taking the exams, each team was required to give an oral presentation on the current issue.
Trophies were presented to the team members which had the highest score in the oral presentation part of the contest and to the three teams with the highest total combined scores for the entire “overall” event.
The top three teams from the Area I competition competed at the State Envirothon on May 20th at Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, Finland, MN.