Buzz N Wine Pollinator Event
With the important role that pollinators play for the production of healthy crops for food, fibers, edible oils, medicines, and more, we felt an educational event would be a fun way to learn about pollinators and would be beneficial to our communities. Our third annual Buzz N Wine Pollinator Party was held on a beautiful windy day, August 28th at Crooked Lane Farms of Colfax, ND.
Attendees visited stations of professionals including:
Pheasants Forever: Seth Owens, Educational Coordinator, was available to inform attendees about programs that they promote, handouts, and Native Wildflower Mix.
Pollinator Trees: Keith Kinneberg- Richland SCD District Technician, Eric Stroh- Wilkin SWCD District Co-Manager, and Craig Lingen-North Dakota Forest Service, highlighted pollinator trees and their benefits. They answered questions about pollinator-type trees/shrubs and assisted those interested in planting plans and ordering trees.
Farmers Market Vendors: Several vendors presented and had their products available to purchase. They were Hidden Garden Hives, Milk Made Catering, Red River Harvest Cooperative, Exit 44 Flowers, FARRMS, and Ten Seven Acres.
Master Gardeners: The NDSU Extension Master Gardeners (LuAnn Lee, Penny Seifert, Karen Weber, William Meyer) gave their educated advice on selecting the proper pollinator plants for your garden and where you could buy your seed or plants.
Seed Bombs: Billie Jo Hinders, Richland SCD and Jen Klostreich, Richland SCD District Manager, prepared a hands-on station for attendees to make seed balls (which are made of clay, compost and wildflower seeds) to take home and disburse for fall or spring planting. Special thanks to Millborn Seeds Inc. , Brookings, SD and Agassiz Seed & Supply, West Fargo for their generous donation of pollinator seed.
Wine Tasting: Pollinator wines were available for purchase from Dakota Vines and Bear Creek Winery.
Jeffrey D. Miller, Cass County SCD Director, gave a presentation on “Edible Forests”. Wayne Gereszek, Licensed Beekeeper, gave a presentation on bees.
Thank you to those who donated prizes that were given away throughout the event: Agassiz Seed & Supply, Millborn Seeds Inc., Crooked Lane Farms, Wahpeton Econo Wine and Spirits, Tractor Supply Company, and Simple Nutrition!