Licensing Fee Schedule

The Wilkin County Board of Commissioners has approved a fee schedule for all child care and corporate adult foster care licenses, as well as for background studies for all licensed programs. Effective May 1, 2009, the fee schedule will be as follows:


Child Care License (initial/one year) - $50

Child Care License (two year) - $100


Corporate Adult Foster Care (initial) - $500

Corporate Adult Foster Care (renewal) - $500


Please feel free to contact Shalyn Reiff at (218)643-7161 if you have any questions.





** Background studies are required for each member of a provider’s household age 13 and older, all employees/caregivers and substitute caregivers, and any other person who may have contact with children or adults receiving care. Background studies must be completed PRIOR to an individual having contact with those in care. Failure to do so can result in denial of license application, fines or other negative action.