Fall 2020 Soil Assessment

2020 Fall Soil Assessment

Our Fall 2020 soil assessment was done after the wheat came off. We wanted to start our soil sampling the fall before any practices were incorporated into these tillage treatments. Vance has a history of soil tests for this field as a whole but now that we are splitting the field into three different tillage treatments we wanted to be sure we had a year "zero" for each plot. Having wheat allowed him to complete his ditching heading into the five year no-till and strip-till demo plots. 
NRCS and SWCD staff completed the worm counts, infiltration tests, penetrometer readings, soil EC, soil temperature, and collected 72 soil samples for lab analysis. Each test is replicated three times per plot for an average. We GPS the locations to be sure we can repeat this analysis in the same spot for the next five years.
Below are the links to the data that was collected in 2020.  For trends on each test check out the graphs on the Soil Monitoring main page.