Our County

Discover County Government

Wilkin County was organized March 18, 1858 as TOOMBS County.  In 1862 the people petitioned the Legislature and asked for the name to be changed to ANDY JOHNSON County.  In 1868 people again petitioned for a name change to WILKIN County.

County Government in Wilkin County began in 1872 when the first officials were elected to office.  From 1872 to 1879 commissioners held meetings in their own homes.  From July 1879 to January 1, 1884, county offices were housed in a building, leased for $250 per year.  On that date the building burned and a few records were lost.  The new Court House, however, was near completion.

January 1, 1884 to April 8, 1922, the Court House in Wilkin County resembled a German castle on the Rhine.  It cost $40,000.  The lower floor was the Sheriff's residence and jail.  Second floor contained the various official's offices.  Third floor was used solely for court purposes.  On April 8, 1922, the Court House was totally destroyed by fire, but no records were lost.  August 8, 1927, a contract was let for a new Court House and construction began.  The cornerstone was laid in1928.  From April8, 1922, to April 1929, county offices were housed in Fraternity Hall in downtown Breckenridge.  April 1929 to present, county government has been located in the present Court House which was constructed, decorated and furnished for $205,753.51.  Wilkin County was the first county in the State of Minnesota to pay for such a venture without a bonding issue.

Townships and Cities

Wilkin County has 22 organized townships ad 9 cities.  The area is 472,001 acres.  The population as of the year 2000 was 7138.

Townships are a division of territory in surveys of U.S. public lands and contain 36 sections or 36 square miles.  Townships are a unit of government having officers or boards.  Townships maintain roads, they levy taxes and certify them to the County Auditor.  They also assist with elections.  An annual meeting, set by Statute, is held in March and special meetings are held on demand.  At the annual meeting, three supervisors are elected and a clerk and treasurer are appointed.

Board of Commissioners

The Board of County Commissioners are the policy makers for the county.  On a county level, the Board is the legislative branch of government.  Commissioners are elected by district.  Commissioners also serve on various county committees, such as extension, nursing, purchasing, grounds, etc.  Meeting dates of the County Board of Commissioners are the second and third Tuesday of each month.