Zoning & Permits

Building Permits

Wilkin County Zoning Ordinance requires a building permit to erect, alter or move any structure over 500 sq.ft. Permits can be obtained from the Wilkin County Environmental Office. A $100 fee is required to obtain a building permit.

Property Transfers/Septic Systems

Wilkin County Zoning Ordinance requires the inspection and upgrades of septic systems at property transfers. Compliance inspection forms must be filed with the Wilkin County Environmental Office prior to property transfers. Please refer to our zoning ordinance link below. You will find detailed information in Sections 16 and 19 of the ordinance.

A list of businesses and individuals licensed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to conduct Compliance Inspection of septic systems is available with the link at the bottom of this section.

Septic/Sewer Permits

Homeowners are required to obtain a septic permit prior to installing or fixing a new or existing septic system. Homeowners must have a completed Site Evaluation/Design worksheet before a permit will be issued. Homeowners need a licensed Contractor and Designer to design and install the septic system. A list of Licensed Contractors may be found through the link at the bottom of this section.  

A Wilkin County Official must inspect the construction of a septic system before the system is covered. A minimum of a 24-hour notice must be given before the inspection is needed. A $250fee is required to obtain a septic permit.